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Casselman is a village situated in eastern Ontario, Canada, in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. The village is located on the South Nation River approximately 55 kilometers southeast of downtown Ottawa, alongside the Trans-Canada Highway 417.

It was established in 1844 and as of the most recent census in 2021, the population of Casselman was 3,970. The primary language spoken in Casselman is French, with 2,765 out of 3,563 residents (according to the 2016 census) indicating it as their mother tongue. In comparison, only 635 reported English as their mother tongue.

Despite being somewhat geographically close to Ottawa, Casselman is not technically a part of the Ottawa metropolitan area. Instead, it exists as an independent entity within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell.

Casselman is serviced by various amenities including a Via Rail train station, which provides a connection to Montreal and Ottawa. The real estate market in Casselman is active, with multiple listings for residential properties. 

In summary, while Casselman is relatively close to Ottawa, it functions as its own separate village within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, not as a part of the surrounding areas of Ottawa.

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